Tuesday, August 10, 2010


I've been too busy to knit the last few days. That makes me sad. I just starting looking at the Early Fall issue of Vogue Knitting and I want to be creating things!!!

Instead, I'm cleaning. And organizing. I've probably filled about 7 or more garbage bags, countless boxes of books and stuff for Goodwill, at least three big bags of clothing. And it's not even my stuff. I did go through my old bedroom this afternoon to sort things, and it was mostly books, so it went quickly. I still have boxes of household things to send out to Missoula. They are still stacked, taped and unpacked, as it took me this long just to make the room habitable. Grrrr!!!! I put in a new rod in the closet which looks nice and the furniture is basically set up. I'm estimating it will be at least one more day before I can get into the things I need to ship out to DB who is operating a household without many necessities and his precious cooking and baking materials. (He did manage to hang curtains without me though - I'm proud. I still haven't hung my own curtains!)

This is one of those times I want a bumper sticker that says, "I'd rather be knitting." I mean...I haven't even touched the dissertation at this point because it took three days to get a work space cleared.

Hopefully soon.....in the meantime, I am sore and tired and wish Goodwill did pickups or that I had another person helping throughout the day.

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