Settling is leaving me more opportunities to get crafty. Fortunately, a lot of that craftiness has been put toward the baby blanket. Yes, I'm still working on it. I've got about 22 inches. I plan to knit it 36 inches long, so I'm getting closer.
I also decided to make curtains. First, I wanted to make curtains for the kitchen - there's just one window and the back door - because the tile on the backsplash and countertop trim is such an unusual shade of blue. Turquoise or aqua probably comes closest in describing it. I knew I could get standard white or maybe black curtains that would look fine, but I thought it would be fun to find a fabric that picks up the color. DB and I went to Jo-Ann Fabric to pick out some and found a pattern of leaves in various colors, including the blue. When we got home, I found it is just about a perfect match to the tiles! I'll credit DB's eye, since he picked out the bolt first.
While in this crafty vein of thinking, I thought it might be nice to make some luxe-looking drapes for the reading room (also known as the Kitty Den, as we anticipate Isis will be spending a lot of time there when DB is reading there - no man caves for us!). We picked out a chocolate taffeta with a subtle, elegant scroll pattern, and crushed taffeta in the same color as the backing.
I haven't yet attempted the reading room curtains. I need more seaming and grommets, and as nice as the kitchen curtains look, overall it was a very frustrating process. I'm sticking with knitting for now, and just regular, old decorating.
So things are coming together. I don't have pictures of our reading room, though I will once I make and put up the curtains. We have no kitchen table yet, or office furniture, and the bedroom is a bit spare. However, there are so many built-ins in the hallway that we really don't need a dresser or anything. Once I'm back for good, I will put a small table there for my hairdryer and stuff, because strangely the bathroom has no outlets whatsoever. Although....
I am getting my hair cut on Monday! Short....I'm thinking 1920s, 1930s bob...Louise Brooks....between earlobe and chin length....some kind of bangs....sleek but still with some texture, not too severe or angled....and ideally something I do not have to blow dry. I'm drawn again to one of my favorites, but I can't remember how it actually looked on me. I do remember I had a hard time achieving similar messiness, but that it was okay. I know I'm asking a lot especially considering that I have a lot of hair and it tends to do bad things when I let it be. Even with its current length it is very flippy. Well, anything shorter than this must be more manageable and look better. Being able to put my hair up is not as much fun as I remembered it to be, and certainly not worth all the trouble.
Off to make the way, it is after 9 here and still very, very light out. Apparently that's some effect of being so far north. It's weird....feels more like it should be 7 or so.
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