Thursday, November 10, 2011

Wouldn't it be nice?

Oh, so many things would be nice.

To be living with boyfriend again (and the cat) and not 1000 miles apart....
To not have to study for the EPPP and all of that licensing stuff....
If all the things that stress me out just went away! (When it comes down to it, it's not a lot - just a few big things. Sadly. The little stuff I can handle. The big stuff, not so much. At least lately.)

Or how about some knitting goodies from Knit Picks? I certainly wouldn't mind.

For now, I'll keep dreaming about all those things.

It's been a rough week couple of months year. I could do with some dreaming.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

A few new things

One pair of mitts:

This is the delightful Twistler wrist-warmers pattern. Have I mentioned I love cables? And I loved this pattern.

And another pair on the way....These are the Pt. Reyes Mitts, another wonderful pattern with lots of fun stitches. I'm really enjoying these! I especially like how neat the ribbing with k-tbl looks.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Fingerless gloves

Finally! I finished my get well mitts.

For the second time. I thought the additional yarn I got was close enough in dye lot to the yarn I had already used, but in certain lights, it definitely was noticeable. Being a perfectionist, I couldn't stand for that, especially in a gift. I started to rip back to take out one pattern repeat, figuring if I took out one pattern repeat and a few rounds of ribbing, I'd have enough of the original. Then things got screwy with the thumb increases on the second mitt, so I ended up frogging them both and starting from scratch. The second time around it only took a couple fo days! They'll be off in the mail Monday I hope.

And I decided to do some Christmas knitting this year...I have plenty of stash to work from and not so much cash, so it made sense. I started another set of fingerless gloves in what will look like a familiar yarn. (Just a different dye lot!)

I love cables, so I'm feeling pretty motivated right now. I actually used knitting as my reward for cleaning today, and it's finally that time! My teas from our house in Montana arrived, along with my sweaters...never mind that it's 80 degrees here today. I'm ready for a Bay Area winter. The mornings and evenings are already very cool.

So a cuppa it is, some trashy TV shows on Netflix, and lovely, soft merino, and cabling.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Making my way back

I'm getting more into the swing of things, I think.

At least I've got some knitting done, though I'm having a hard time deciding what to do next!

As you can see, the Get Well mitts for my aunt are almost finished, and a kind Raveller has sold me the yarn to finish them; it should arrive soon!

And I decided I needed a little magic in my life, so

I finally knit up the magic ball my sister gave me.

I love it. I have this thing where I try to stay away from neutral colors because I will overdo it and just wear browns, beiges, white, and black if I don't watch myself. I got to indulge that in this scarf. I love the colors. And maybe I'll go easier on myself in picking neutrals in the future. (I did realize today I have an overabundance of clothes in the coral/salmon range of things, but still a lot of neutrals. Yes, my closet is organized by color. It's the one thing that stays consistently neat in my house, aside from my books.)

Anyway, I'm still trying to decide about doing the Craftsman Afghan, the ruffle scarf, the ruffly cardigan...or something else entirely. I did just discover this wonderful, wonderful quilt last night. I'm kind of in love with it, but I am on a strict yarn diet for the foreseeable future, and I don't have a whole lot of sock yarn around! But I just might dig in with the small bits I do have...maybe that second, errrr fourth sock will just never get done. And while I don't have any cashmere to do this lovely hat (Peek), I am hoping to find something in my stash that will work!

Happy knitting!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Figuring things out

I moved again at the end of July, and just started my postdoctoral fellowship. So things are in flux. Added to this is the fact that boyfriend and kitty are still in Montana! It's definitely a weird time and I'm still trying to figure out my life right now...workout routine, work schedule, when to knit, cook, bake, read. And this darn long distance relationship thing, that pretty much is fine in terms of our relationship. We're solid. But it just stinks.

I've been working on the get well mitts for my aunt (Autumnal Mitts), but haven't made much progress on anything else. The cotton yarn thing is definitely getting in the way of finishing the market bag and drew top. I'm thinking of starting a couple of new projects, but I'm not sure which yet: the Craftsman Afghan (in my own set of colors - mostly blues and greens), a top-down cardigan (in mustard yellow), or this pretty ruffle scarf (Ravelry link - for the qiviut - finally! Haven't picked the color yet though.)

The get well mitts are almost done. I have 2 more rounds of ribbing to do on the second mitt, and then the thumbs. And I ran out of yarn. Since they are a tad long for my taste (though they're not for me and i do have smaller than average hands), I know I could frog back on each of them to take out one pattern repeat, but I'm hoping of the couple people on Ravelry with that yarn to trade/sell will come through on this!

Really, other than this, there hasn't been a whole lot of knitting. I've just been too wiped out from my new job at night to do anything except make dinner and watch TV. I hate hopefully I'll get used to it soon. Today I am hoping to start one of those new projects (but which one?) and certainly work out. In fact, that's what I'll do now, before I get too hungry for lunch! And I'm seeing boyfriend on Thursday and through the weekend, definitely a bright spot in what will be a busy, busy week. (Still missing a small cat though.)

Saturday, July 9, 2011

blue headband, yellow bag

I love these quick little knits!

Finished up the headband in blue....I'm almost back to selfish knitting. I used the same flower pattern from knitty as I did for the other one.

Boyfriend even said to me the other day, "Why don't knit something for yourself?"

Well, I finally started working on another me-project. It's a shopping bag, and I'm making it from the leftover yarn from the baby blanket.

I had started this using magic loop, but for some reason it was not working out quite right. I only had 4 size 7 dpns, so I ended up buying another set so I could make it with 5. I'm not sure why they even sell sets of 4 as it just makes things harder!

You can also see my new yarn bowl - we visited an arts and crafts fair during Mom's visit here and found it there. I love it!

I have one more non-selfish project to start on, and that's the other pair of mitts. But I think I'll focus on the market bag and summer top for now, until I need another quick project!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

summer knits

It's been a while, I know.

That thing called dissertation took up my whole life for a while. Good news: I defended it, and am now done!

So now I can focus on more important things, or at least far more enjoyable ones. Like knitting.

I'm still working away on the drew top. Lots of stockinette and cotton. I love the design, the little ruffles, the shaping. Not loving the cotton yarn and stockinette. Well. I like the yarn - it's a pretty color (a much deeper red than in the picture - it's called "pomegranate"), feels nice and soft and cool, knits up well. But, it's cotton, and it's just trickier to knit with than wool or a wool-blend.

I decided to frog the Homespun cowl. I'm going to use a nicer yarn and I think I'll learn to crochet with the Homespun. I like this pattern from Lion Brand and it's in granny squares (hexagons?) so I can do it slowly and piecemeal.

I made the cutest little fishie for Isis since she was nosing around my yarn a bit. I thought it might make her less jealous.

A few nights later, she took an enormous ball of yarn out of the yarn bowl and wrapped it around the living room and kitchen. (Yarn bowl and yarn are now hidden in the ottoman storage when I'm not there to supervise.) So much for sating the cat's appetite for string.

She had also gotten this lovely homespun and hand-painted yarn off the kitchen table and was hunting it before Boyfriend intervened. A farmer's market find, this skein is fingering weight and a merino-silk blend. The original idea was to do socks, but the colors are so lovely and I want to look at them all the time, so I may have to do a pretty shawl or something I see more often than my feet!

Currently, I've been a very non-selfish knitting kick. I'm working on a pretty headband like this one in blue, and just finished a pair of mitts (Ravelry link) in that lovely pumpkin color. I'm planning to do another pair of mitts as well, and then maybe I'll want to return to my other projects. Also, these are sort of instant-gratification, whereas the top is most definitely not.

And now off to enjoy a lovely Missoula summer afternoon, the back porch, a good audiobook, and my knitting!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Boyfriend socks!

I finally finished them! It's a bit warm for wool socks, but they'll be perfect for Montana once it gets cool again.

We're both quite pleased with them. There is a bit of pooling that I'm not crazy about, but...well, it's already a slip stitch pattern!

Now onto that cute summer top for myself. 

And I'm plotting a boyfriend hoodie now. Something to keep him warm while I'm away in the sunny Bay and he's weathering the Missoula winter alone. 

Saturday, April 23, 2011


So I've finished my first sock - the cuff down, one-at-a-time one. I think I will get around to making the second, but it was really tedious. I did enjoy the whole heel/gusset part though. And putting it on - heaven! So soft and cushy. I think I understand the magic of sock knitting now.

And I started socks for the boyfriend. These are two-at-a-time toe-up socks and I'm making good progress so far. Definitely a better style of sock knitting for me.

(I sent him a picture, and he said, "It looks like a bra." Well, yes. At this point, I suppose it sort of does.)

I also started that little summer top, but haven't gotten very far since I've been focusing on the socks.

And, dear sister gave me a belated Christmas gift: yarn I had drooled over on my last trips to Webs.

Plotting a lovely scarf, or maybe a long, loopy necklace.

For now, socks! (I think they will also make great plane knitting tomorrow.)

Sunday, April 10, 2011

When knitting solves problems

The other day, boyfriend and I took a walk by the river. It being a bit chilly, I wore my Frost Blue Tam (on Ravelry). Still, after a good 30 minutes, my ears were thoroughly chilled and hurting! Now that the weather is getting a bit warmer (though just a very little bit), I had gotten my bike put together a few weeks ago and was feeling ready to start riding again. But the thought of cold, painful ears made me want to hop in the car and turn the heat up....

So I did a little Ravelry research, and found that a few ingenious knitters created ear warmers that are compatible with bicycle helmets. (Thank you, ingenious knitters!) I chose the pattern that most suited my taste in its construction (no seaming and the ear parts are attached to a headband so they won't move around too much) and agreed with my extant stash (leftover Lion Brand Wool from my half-felted bag worked nicely and matches my silver and white helmet).

I cast on some time Saturday, quickly realizing that 1) I only have four (not five) size 7 dpns, and 2) even though I could convert the pattern to work on four, it was really fiddly.

I zipped over to and learned the Magic Loop technique. I'd been meaning to do this (it's necessary for the two-at-a-time socks I want to do), but kept putting it off. Definitely worth it.

I knit almost all Saturday with a few breaks thanks to boyfriend (and dinner...and Mario Kart....and a good book) and picked it up again this morning to finish the second ear part before our morning ride along the river.

I had nice, toasty ears, and can bike happily.

Friday, April 8, 2011

New projects

I've been working on some new things, but they aren't knitted objects, though they are related to knitting! Since I'm on a serious yarn diet this year, and despite my healthy stash, I was feeling that craving for more fiber....all those possibilities. I decided to recycle an old sweater (with more to come perhaps) that I haven't worn in a while. It was a black crew neck Cambridge Cable pullover from J.Crew, purchased a few years ago. I love these classic sweaters and also have one in a coral color and a v-neck in a gorgeous heather green. However, I think the black dye used didn't agree with my body very much and, hmmm, emphasized certain odors. So I rarely wore it, and also have another black pullover sweater that I wore much more often (also J.Crew - a cashmere long sleeved tee that I just love). So I looked up various tutorials on recycling sweaters, and got to work. I estimate that it's about a fingering or slightly heavy lace weight yarn that is double plied, and without having accurate measurements yet, about 1500 to 1600 yards or so. Given the weight it took me a long time, especially since this was the first sweater I've ever taken apart. Also, the color made the work more difficult, so it took me about two and a half days to ravel it all and wind it into balls. After about 2 or 3 in the afternoon, I just couldn't see well enough to continue. (And thank goodness for my ball winder - such a time saver!)

Finally, I started to wind the balls into hanks so I could relax the yarn and weigh and measure it. I start using the backs of two chairs to measure a two yard hank. Not the easiest method (my back hurt so much). I then tried wrapping the yarn around a 12 inch piece of sturdy cardboard. Too short. Then I used the bottom of a folding table that was closer to 20 inches. Still too short. I bathed those hanks in hot water though and hung them to dry; the shorter ones are definitely still wavy and need to be rewound into longer hanks and weighted as they dry. Yesterday I went to the hardware store and got some 1/2 inch PVC and fittings to make a niddy noddy. Well, I didn't account for the length of the T connectors (two inches each) and the first hank I wound was 80 inches around, instead of 72! I cut three inches off my center piece (for a total of 15 inches - one half-inch on either side ends up inside the T connectors, so it's the 14 inches of the center piece that shows, plus four inches from the T connectors - 18 inches total) and now it's just about exactly two yards. I also cut a shorter piece (at a total of six inches, minus one inside the T connectors and plus four from the T connectors is nine inches) for one yard skeins.

This was a pretty easy project, and the cost was minimal - and I really got two niddy noddies out of it (for one yard and two yards). For the PVC piping, two connectors and four end caps, I paid around $5, and then another $5 for a small hack saw. (A pipe cutter would've made this even easier, but they are pricey at around $15 each). It's certainly making the hank winding a whole lot easier and more precise (now that I haven the right measurements).

Now I'm rewinding some of the shorter hanks and have run into tangles. Sigh. (I also need a yarn swift to prevent this, but those are way out of my budget right now, even for the handmade kind.) After working as long as daylight would allow today, I'm taking the rest of the evening off. I'm not entirely sold on the process of recycling yarn from sweaters yet, but perhaps that's because of the yarn weight. I was considering recycling the yarn from the coral cabled sweater, but I do prefer DK and worsted weight yarns a lot more than fingering and lace weights. I have a sweater that's probably a worsted or bulky weight that I don't wear often anymore, so I might experiment with that one to see if a heavier yarn makes it more worth it for me.

Aside from the sweater recycling and niddy noddy building, I've been continuing on my sock, and have finally begun the foot! I got through the slip stitch heel and turning the heel and picking up stitches parts easily, so I'm much more encouraged about sock knitting. It was just that ribbing tedium for eight inches....ugh! Of course now I'll be knitting about five inches in stockinette, so we'll see how I feel by the end. Haven't worked out the sizing for the cropped jacket yet, but I really should get to that if I want to wear it to my dissertation defense as I've planned! I sent the dissertation off to my external reviewer last weekend, so in about three or four weeks I should have the last changes to make before the defense. It's hard to believe I'm almost (almost!) done. Can't wait to be Dr. Knitter, Psy.D.!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

cute cat post

Completely gratuitous and unnecessary, but Isis is just adorable and I had to share!

Funny story - boyfriend and I have had bad colds and now are left with some nasty-sounding coughs. The other day we were both on the couch reading, and Isis was asleep in my lap. Boyfriend coughed loudly and I have never seen Isis so startled! She jumped out of my lap and fell into my knitting basket on the floor next to the couch. Then in trying to get out of the basket, she knocked it over and all my works-in-progress and other items spilled everywhere. Poor kitty!

hello again

It's been a while, hasn't it?

Since my last post I finished most of my dissertation edits, save those I had questions about. I also got a postdoctoral fellowship, at a hospital in their early childhood mental health program. I start in September so I've got some time to complete the big D and knit a lot! I had a nice household routine for chores, exercise, etc. established up until two weeks ago when boyfriend caught a nasty cold that lasted about a week. I thought I was in the clear until I caught it a week ago, and I am just starting to feel better aside from some sinus congestion and a cough. I've still managed to make some progress in knitting though.

I finished the Creature Comforts Cardi:
After I seamed it up and finished the sleeves/cuffs, I was a bit frustrated to find it seemed too small. I made the size small/medium (for 34-38" bust) and it should've been plenty big. I re-blocked it, realizing now that the first time I blocked it, I should've really stretched it out; I had gotten the 29" length, but I ended up having to block it to increase the width the second time around (not quite so easy when it was seamed up instead of being a nice flat rectangle). It fits now, though I'm still tempted to take out my steamer and try to open it up a bit more.
It is cozy though! Definitely a nice sweater to throw on over a tee or tank in the spring or fall, or a cool summer day.
 I also have a couple of ongoing projects that continue:
Socks the First, based on Silver's Sock Class. Still taking me forever. I'm half-tempted to rip it out and just work 2-at-a-time toe-up socks instead. (Except I don't have long enough and small enough needles right now, and no budget for new needles right now.)
A cowl (the GAP-tastic cowl) that I will give as a gift if it comes out nicely enough. (I'm a little suspicious of how the Homespun is performing here, but I needed an acrylic for the giftee I have in mind and have no yarn budget right now, so it had to be stash.)
And I decided to do a different sweater than the Tess cardigan. I was considering casting on for it again and went over the pattern carefully to try to figure out the stitch counts and everything so I wouldn't mess it up for a fourth time. Still couldn't work it out. So I decided that in addition to being one of the most frustrating patterns I've ever come across, it probably wouldn't be all that flattering on me. I looked for a different project and found a Cropped Jacket from the Early Fall 2010 issue of Vogue Knitting that would work for the yarn and be far more flattering for me. I swatched and got gauge with size 17 needles, but the fabric is much too loose for my taste, so I'm probably going to use 15s (the recommended size where I'm about 1/2 inch short in gauge) and just figure out the math to get the right sizing....a task I've been avoiding, but probably will tackle today.

Monday, March 7, 2011

A post unrelated to knitting

Knitting related: Finished most of the Creature Comforts Cardi - it's blocked and dried and I just need to seam the sides and knit the ribbing for the sleeves. Still working on my first sock. I don't think I'm cut out for the one at a time, cuff down style of sock knitting. Dull, dull, dull. (Still on the cuff. K2, p2, k2, p2....)

In other news, I'm working on the dissertation edits and am looking forward to the day when I can burn it and all the paperwork I've accumulated to go along with it. Most frustrating process ever. It's been the source of a lot of unladylike language the past couple of days. I'm trying to keep them off the actual page when I'm typing, but it's been a challenge. I keep expecting the Word document to go up in flames on the screen at this point. I am just so sick of jumping through academic hoops.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Christmas stash has arrived

I couldn't hold off and used my Christmas gift cards to by some new yarn, as well as a few gadgets: ball winder, stitch holders, a set of new sock needles and some wool wash. 

I think best of all, of course, is the yarn: 

Socks for Kevin. 

Socks for me. 

Adorable hats for...? I want the bird one, but I'm not sure who might like the cat one....

A bottom-whorl drop spindle from Maine Woods Yarn - and my first spun yarn. It's going to take some time before it looks knittable I'm thinking...

And some more fiber from the same shop to spin once I get a little better! 

Knitting continues on my cardigan, and I'm gearing up to start the Craftsman Afghan. I lost the drawing I did with the replacement colors though, so will have to spend some time figuring that out before I begin. It might be a more complicated pattern than I originally thought, so I might hold off on it for now and learn socks instead. 

Monday, January 31, 2011

Chianti Headband

As promised, here's the finished headband!

I'm very pleased with it and already got to wear it today. It matches my red pea coat perfectly! I'm going to weigh the finished headband and the remaining yarn to see if I have enough to make another headband as a gift. It certainly didn't take much, but I haven't pulled out the scale yet to see the final number.

My spinning kit also arrived today, so there will be more news to follow once I get going with that! 

Sunday, January 30, 2011

knitting distractions

I got distracted from my current project - the Creature Comforts Cardi - by yet another headwear project!
I ended up casting on for (and finishing) the Whitney Headband. It's drying right now, so I actually don't have a photo of the completed project, but the separate pieces.

I used Flower 2 from Plethora of Petals, casting on for the smaller size. (I won't go into detail about the 3 other flowers I made first that ended up being too large or not quite right - ugh!)

I found a pretty button and sewed that into the center of the flower. It should be dry by tomorrow, so hopefully I will have photos then.

In other news, I've been reading up on spinning - Start Spinning and Respect the Spindle (both from the library). I ordered a kit from Maine Woods Yarn on Etsy and it should arrive soon. I can't wait! I have still been making good progress on the Creature Comforts Cardi - I think I'm on pattern repeat 4, and probably I will have 5 or 6 total repeats if I've counted and measured correctly. I'm really enjoying it still, though I might cast on for another project just to have some more variation....

Friday, January 21, 2011

the sun is peaking out...

Actually, it's not. Not here in Missoula. It's another gray, gray day, the hills barely covered with a dusting of snow. On top of that, I'm miserably sniffly with this cold, going on Day 5. Fortunately, I made it through my interview this morning with minimal sniffling and coughing. I applied at a temp agency in hopes of earning some extra cash before my postdoc starts. (I'm just assuming I get one. Because I will/must.)

But, my own sunshine project is coming along well:

I'm really enjoying the cabling...and even the new increases I've learned. This is a very well-written pattern and definitely worth paying for.

I saw another pattern on Ravelry I just fell in love with. I think I may change my mind about making a simple lace shawl with the Universal Star Light, and make this instead - shrug meets shawl. Innovative, practical, and lovely: Fits my criteria!

For now, though, I'm focusing on my Creature Comforts Cardi. I've considered starting the Craftsman Afghan, but I think this project is giving me plenty of variety for now....

Though I am so impatient to find and start a real colorwork project; if I had the right yarn on hand, I would definitely be working on that now too! But the budget is not allowing for more yarn right now...even a couple of teeny skeins for the William, It Was Really Nothing mittens. How perfect is that pattern for me? Not only is it a reference to the Smiths (yay!), but to the blue faience hippo at the Met! The hippo was my "symbol" during a sandplay course; I ended up writing a paper on hippos and took a trip to the Met especially to see this one, since a tiny reproduction of it was what I had chosen during the course as my first sandplay object....I now have my own repro - a magnetized version that comes apart in two halves that you can put on the fridge. And it only requires two teeny little skeins from Knit Picks. These mittens are in my near future. I can feel it. What a first colorwork project! (Okay, I do have a gift card I could use, but I with all my current stashed projects, I feel a little guilty even using that. When I do, this, this, and this will certainly be in my cart!)

Off to knit, drink tea, nurse the cold, and get into some good reading on my nook. Not a bad way to spend a gray, gray day.