He's coming home tonight, so I should have a picture of the FO soon. His flight was supposed to get in before 8. Now it's scheduled for 10. There's supposed to be weather, so I'm not happy about that....but I am looking forward to seeing him again. It's only been a few days, but it's been a few of those kinds of days. The no good, horrible kind.
To start - I got stuck in traffic for over 2 hours after I dropped DB off at the airport. I hadn't eaten, I was tired and I had a headache. I got home and glanced at my computer as I got settled in for lunch and knitting. My utility bill arrived. It was almost double of last month. Last month we started to leave the heat on 60 during the day, and 55 at night, hoping to reduce what the bill was in January. I am really hoping that something is broken or not working properly. Because really! Right now I am wearing my coral long johns, my thermal winter boots and sweats. And I'm not exactly toasty. Ridiculous. So we will see. I could also apply for energy assistance, but I'm having a lot of resistance to that idea. I called the utility company and gave them the correct meter reading for the gas (their reading was too high) and it's supposed to be adjusted, but I don't see that it will really make a huge difference. And someone is supposed to come out to look at the whole system to make sure it is working properly. So. We will see. But I am super stressed out about this. What an ending to a vacation!
Vacation was nice up until that really. We spent a few days in Vermont visiting my aunt and uncle. Not enough snow for those kinds of activities, but we did some hiking, visited Simon Pearce, the VINS Nature Center and the King Arthur Flour Baker's Store. And of course I managed to find a couple of books at the bookstore in Dartmouth (both on the bargain shelf, though). It was very relaxing. I did have an interview on the tail end of the trip, which of course, interview-like, was a bit stressful. But it went well and it's a place I'm certainly considering going next year.
Knitting-wise, since I finished the neverending hat, I started the hot water bottle cosy. I actually decided to do this pattern - a different one than I was originally planning - because the cables were so neat! The first one I looked at had cables very similar to my mitts (which I still adore and wear every day), so I wanted to try something different. I'm altering the pattern a little to accommodate my dislike for seaming. I started knitting at the top of the cosy and am working my way to the bottom, which will be closed up in the binding off process. I am pretty happy with it, and may finish tonight. I love the color. It is somewhere between both of the below photos - not bright red and not a dull purpley red - a nice deep wine red.

I really want to finish this soon. It will be immediately put to good use, keeping me warm. I love my hot water bottle, but not the fuzzy acrylic pink cover that is on it now!
I almost forgot- because of DB's cashmere hat, and probably the one I knit for roomie, I am realizing a few things about my knitting. 1) I knit very tightly, even when I try not to. It's an anxiety thing probably. 2) I need to remember this so things aren't too tight/small.
I finally sort of remembered as I began work on the hot water bottle cosy. I didn't exactly do a gauge swatch, but I checked as I started to knit and sure enough, I was way off. It was going to be about 2 inches too narrow. So I ended up casting on 72 stitches, instead of 56. Working out okay - I have a few extra ribs in there, but I think it will end up looking nice.
As I'm excited for the result, I'm off to knit until it is time to pick up boyfriend at the airport. It's gonna be a late night...and I have a 8 o'clock patient tomorrow. Ugh!
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